![]() A ceremony before the departure of a squadron of hamidiye from Diyarbekir that had joined to Teşkilât-ı Mahsusa (AGBU Nubar Library, Paris). |
1. THE TOOLS OF EXTERMINATION The decision to exterminate Armenians was made between the March 20-25, 1915, during several meetings of the Central Committee of the CUP. The implementation of the extermination plan was entrusted to the Special Organization (Teşkilât-ı Mahsusa), a paramilitary group led by a political bureau, including members of the Unionist Central Committee, such as Drs. Bahaeddin Şakir and Mehmed Nâzım, Atıf Bey and Yusuf Rıza Bey. The headquarters of the Special Organization was based at the headquarters of the CUP in Istanbul. The Organization was represented by Kuşçubaşızâde Eşref [Sencer] in the Ministry of War, which provided the training and equiped the forces of the Special Organization, as well as provided it with funding. Its officers were recruited from among members of the party and those who carried out the orders were recruited from among criminals released by the Ministry of Justice, or among Circassian and Kurdish tribes. The brigades operated in specific places by attacking convoys of Armenian deportees.
The role of the administration and Unionist local secretaries In the division of labor, the planning of the deportations was organized by the Directorate for the Settlement of Tribes and Migrants (Iskan-ı ve Aşâyirîn Muhâcirîn Müdüriyeti, or IAMM), under the direction of Muftizâde Şükrü Kaya. The latter had been sent to Aleppo in late August 1915 in order to establish a Sub-Directorate for Deportees. The police drew up lists of people to be deported. Gendarmes were supposed to “escort” the convoys. The division of the Treasury was also drawn on to recover and distribute “abandoned properties.” The coordinators of these operations were the secretaries and officials delegated by the Committee of Union and Progess in the provinces.
The role of the Army in Mass Violence The Third Army, controlling the six eastern vilayets, was directly involved in the atrocities committed against civilians between December 1914 and February 1915 on the Caucasian front and in the vilayets of Van and Bitlis, in cooperation with brigades of the Special Organization. |
Section_3_1_outils_extermination canbolat.jpg http://www.bnulibrary.org/images/expos_virtuelles/armenie1915/section03/admin_cup/canbolat.jpg cevdet.jpg http://www.bnulibrary.org/images/expos_virtuelles/armenie1915/section03/admin_cup/cevdet.jpg halil-pa.jpg http://www.bnulibrary.org/images/expos_virtuelles/armenie1915/section03/admin_cup/halil-pa.jpg hilmi.jpg http://www.bnulibrary.org/images/expos_virtuelles/armenie1915/section03/admin_cup/hilmi.jpg Mehmed-nazim.jpg http://www.bnulibrary.org/images/expos_virtuelles/armenie1915/section03/admin_cup/Mehmed-nazim.jpg midhat.jpg http://www.bnulibrary.org/images/expos_virtuelles/armenie1915/section03/admin_cup/midhat.jpg nayil-bey.jpg http://www.bnulibrary.org/images/expos_virtuelles/armenie1915/section03/admin_cup/nayil-bey.jpg shukru-kaya.jpg http://www.bnulibrary.org/images/expos_virtuelles/armenie1915/section03/admin_cup/shukru-kaya.jpg Bahedin-shakir.jpg http://www.bnulibrary.org/images/expos_virtuelles/armenie1915/section03/admin_cup/Bahedin-shakir.jpg |
deportation zeytoun Arméniens de Zeytoun déportés et momentanément emprisonnés à Marache [Kahramanmaraş] (coll. Musée Institut du génocide, Erevan). Charnier découvert par les troupes russes au cours du printemps 1915 dans un village des environs de Van (coll. Musée Institut du génocide, Erevan). L’autodéfense des arméniens de Van, avril-mai 1915 (coll. Bibliothèque Nubar). L’autodéfense des arméniens de Van, avril-mai 1915 (coll. Bibliothèque Nubar). Enfants orphelins des villages environnants recueillis à Van, avril-mai 1915 (coll. Bibliothèque Nubar). Entrée du Père Krikor de Daralaguiaz à Van, à la tête de ses volontaires arméniens (photo Krikor Chadirian, Hay gamavornere (Les volontaires arméniens), Tiflis, 1916). Vue générale de la ville de Van en 1916 (photo Aram Vrouyr, coll. Musée d’Histoire d’Arménie). Vue partielle de Van en 1916, avec les destructions dues aux combats de 1915 visibles au premier plan (photo Aram Vrouyr, coll. Musée d’Histoire d’Arménie). Villageois kurdes dans le quartier arménien de Van, 1916 (photo Aram Vrouyr, coll. Musée d’Histoire d’Arménie). http://localhost:8888/bnulibrary/images/expos_virtuelles/armenie1915/section03/13_van villageois.jpg
General map of the massacres and deportations in the Ottoman Empire
The Sites of Slaughter of the Special Organization Used by the historian Raymond Kévorkian (Le génocide des Arméniens, Paris, 2006) to designate major massacre sites set up by the Special Organization on the roads of deportation, the term “slaughterhouse site” refers to the phrasing used by some contemporary witnesses to the genocide, such as the consul of the United States in Kharpert [Harput, present-day Elazığ], Leslie Davis, in his report on the “slaughterhouse province” (The Slaughterhouse Province: an American diplomat's report on the Armenian genocide, 1915-1917, first publication New Rochelle, 1989). The two most important slaughterhouse sites were located in gorges serving as checkpoints for the convoys: the site of Kemah, southwest of Erzincan on the upper Euphrates, where tens of thousands of men were exterminated in May and June of 1915 under the direct supervision of Dr. Bahaeddin Şakir, head of the Special Organization; and Kahta in the mountains south of Malatya, through which five hundred thousand deportees passed.
THE DEPORTATION MAPS →Click to watch |
liquidation_biens_armeniens Église arménienne d’Angora détruite après la déportation de la population arménienne de la ville (archives du Foreign Office, Kew). Trébizonde, 1918, état du dépôt des « biens abandonnés » installé par la commission des emvali metruke au sein de l’église Sourp Stepannos (située dans le quartier de Giavur Meydan), au retour des rescapés arméniens (coll. Bibliothèque Nubar). http://localhost:8888/bnulibrary/images/expos_virtuelles/armenie1915/section03/23_result.jpg Kessab, 1918, restitution des biens mobiliers confisqués en 1915 (coll. Bibliothèque Nubar). http://localhost:8888/bnulibrary/images/expos_virtuelles/armenie1915/section03/24_result.jpg Van, 1916, ruines de l’église Sourp Nechan et des habitations alentours (coll. Bibliothèque Nubar). http://localhost:8888/bnulibrary/images/expos_virtuelles/armenie1915/section03/25_result.jpg Monastère de Varak (près de Van), 1916, ruines laissées après le passage des troupes turques (coll. Bibliothèque Nubar). http://localhost:8888/bnulibrary/images/expos_virtuelles/armenie1915/section03/26_result.jpg Ardamed (région de Van), retour des Arméniens dans leur village détruit après le repli turc (coll. Bibliothèque Nubar). http://localhost:8888/bnulibrary/images/expos_virtuelles/armenie1915/section03/27_result.jpg Khorkom (sud du lac de Van), état de l’église au retour des villageois arméniens (coll. Bibliothèque Nubar). http://localhost:8888/bnulibrary/images/expos_virtuelles/armenie1915/section03/28_result.jpg
In March 1916, about 500,000 remained interned in camps in Syria and Mesopotamia and other relocation sites. The final decision to exterminate them was then made by the Unionist Central Committee. From April to December 1916, two sites, Ras ul-Ayn and Der Zor, were part of the systematic killings that left hundreds of thousands dead, mostly women and children. |
Table of Victims Who Died “a Natural Death” in Concentration Camps (related to hunger, disease and weather) |
Location of the camp |
Period of activity in the camp |
estimated number of victims |
Mamura | Summer - Autumn 1915 |
c. 40,000 |
Islahiye | August 1915 to January 1916 |
c. 60,000 |
Karlık et Sebil | Summer 1915 to Autumn 1916 |
c. 10,000 |
Rajo, Katma et Azaz | Autumn 1915 to Spring 1916 |
c. 60,000 |
Munbuj [Manbij] | Autumn 1915 to February 1916 |
? |
Bab et Akhterim | October 1915 to Spring 1916 |
c. 50,000 |
Arabpunar | Early October to mid-november 1915 |
c. 4,000 |
Ras ul-Ayn | October 1915 to late March 1916 |
c. 13,000 |
Dipsi | November 1915 to April 1916 |
c. 30,000 |
Lale and Tefrije |
December 1915 to February 1916 |
c. 5,000 |
Meskene | November 1915 to septembre 1916 |
c. 60,000 |
Abuharar, Hamam | November 1915 to April 1916 |
? |
Deir Zor | November 1915 to November 1916 |
c. 40,000 |
Camp de concentration de Katma, au nord d’Alep : « tentes » de déportés (photographie d’Armin Wegner, coll. Pères mekhitaristes de Venise).
Déportés dans le désert syrien (photographie de Bodil Bjorn, DR).
Déportés au bord de l’Euphrate, dans le désert syrien (photographie prise par un officier allemand, coll. Michel Paboudjian).
Camp de concentration de Dibsi, enfant agonisant, 10 octobre 1916 (photographie d’Armin Wegner, coll. Pères mekhitaristes de Venise).
Familles de déportés errant en Syrie (photographie de Bodil Bjorn, DR).
http://localhost:8888/bnulibrary/images/expos_virtuelles/armenie1915/section03/7_result copy.jpg
Aux dires de l’auteur de cette photographie, un officier allemand, cette immense grotte abritait 2 000 déportés arméniens. Il pourrait se trouver dans la périphérie de Petra, en Jordanie (coll. Michel Paboudjian).
Orphelins dans le camp de Meskéné. Ces derniers seront rassemblés avec d’autres enfants et brûlés vif dans une des cavités naturelles du désert syrien, à l’automne 1916 (coll. Bibliothèque Nubar).
Camp de concentration de Meskéné, sur la ligne de l’Euphrate (photographie d’Armin Wegner, coll. Pères mekhitaristes de Venise).
Déportés du camp d’Abuharar, situé sur la ligne de l’Euphrate (photographie d’Armin Wegner, coll. Pères mekhitaristes de Venise).
Camp de concentration de Der Zor, situé sur la rive gauche de l’Euphrate, face à la ville. Un prêtre prie entouré de déportés (photographie d’Armin Wegner, coll. Pères mekhitaristes de Venise).
Déportés sur la ligne de l’Euphrate (photographie d’Armin Wegner, coll. Pères mekhitaristes de Venise).
Inhumation des morts de la nuit dans le camp de concentration de Der Zor. La prière des morts est dite par un prêtre qui semble le même que sur la photographie no 11 (photographie d’Armin Wegner, coll. Pères mekhitaristes de Venise).
Camp de concentration de Ras ul-Ayn, situé au sud du bourg, sur la rive droite du Khabour (coll. Archives nationales d’Arménie).